January 23rd - testing the moment cinebloom 10% filter

Our January 23rd photowalk in Downtown Reno focused on testing the Moment Cinebloom 10% filter. We mounted the filter onto our Fujinon 10-24mm f4 and ventured out to see how this diffusion filter would look shooting Reno after dark.

If you’re not familiar with the Cinebloom filters, Moment has the following description on their site:

Our CineBloom Diffusion Filters are the secret sauce for capturing dreamy, film-like footage. Escape the clinical, ultra-sharp look of digital with this specialty glass. Available in densities of 10% and 20%, they not only catch and bloom light but soften hard edges and provide a smoothing effect on skin tones, making wrinkles less noticeable. The glass itself is made by fusing a microlayer of NanoBlack particulates between two layers of top-grade Japanese filter glass, allowing us to maintain full image quality. The ring of the filter is precision machined from aerospace-grade metal and designed to be thin enough to stack underneath another filter without compromising the field of view. This means you can use an ND or VND on top of it for shooting cinematic frame rates and capturing motion blur. Take your footage to new cinematic heights with CineBloom from Moment.

Take a look at what we captured below and tell us in the comments if you like the look this filter gives the images.
